Thursday, 14 June 2012

PIKOM PC Fair 2012(II) Updates: Melaka has been changed to 14-16 September

Kindly be informed that the Melaka PC Fair 2012(II) has been changed to 14 - 16 September 2012.

Herewith, an updated PC Fair 2012(II) schedule for your kind attention: -

PIKOM Training Centre

PIKOM Training Centre

On 25 June 2012,  we opened  the doors of PIKOM Training Centre, which is made entirely possible by our collaboration with the centre’s principal sponsor, Epson Malaysia Sdn Bhd.
Thanks to this symbiotic partnership, we envision new and exciting product launches, hands-on training sessions, product briefs and even special appearances by iconic ICT brand ambassadors to be held at the centre or other locations within the mall.

Holographic interactive presentations and product workshops using three dimensional displays will be the norm at the centre. It will give parents, students, executives, engineers, doctors, lawyers, entrepreneurs, artists and more, with a deep and profound sense of today’s consumer digital technology paving the way, laying the foundation for a sustainable, highly creative and deeply enriching knowledge society. 

Attached are the 
Seminar Packages available for your reference. For registration and further information, please call Grace Lee at +6019 661 2933