Monday, 21 May 2012

New ICT Mall For Kuala Lumpur

Date : 21st May 2012
Media : The Star  (Newspaper)
Please click HERE to view larger image.

Deals, Goodies, Babes & More

Date : 1st May 2012
Media : HWM Malaysia  (Magazine)
Please click HERE to view larger image.

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Invitation to PIKOM ICT Mall, CapSquare official launch ceremony 25th MAY 2012.

Come join us for the Grand Launch of PIKOM ICT Mall CapSquare on the 25th - 27th May. There will be lots of fun and games for you and your family such as performances by Anuar Zain, Manhand, Instant Cafe Theatre, and Upin & Ipin. 

We will also be having an Outdoor Cinema on the 25th - 26th May at 8pm onwards showing blockbuster hits such as Star Wars Ep1, Real Steel, Transformers (25th May), Monsters Inc, Iron Man 1, and Avatar (26th May). Hope to see you guys there!! 

Click on the pictures to view large image.